Jennifer McKenzie

Romance--Boy meets girl. Romantic Suspense--Boy meets girl with dead bodies.
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thirteen Things You May Not Know About "Heart Of The Storm"


ONLY TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In honor of my upcoming release of this romantic suspense, I'll give you a little run down of little known facts about the book and how it came about.

1. It Began As A True Story
told to me by my husband. My redneck used to be a drag fisherman and the fishing community is pretty small. Hundreds of myths circulate. I just found out recently that the story my husband told me is true from my boss who's wife's cousin was married to one of the people involved (Hey, six degrees of separation......) The story is that a boat was "Lost at sea" with five crew members believed dead. Then, one of those crew members showed up five years later in an Arizona jail cell. In the true story, unlike mine, the living crew member stayed mumm about what happened to the downed vessel.

2. Ethan Shannon is based on two people
my husband and one of his friends, Dave Burns. By the way, Dave has no idea. LOL. I combined a lot of Dave's bitter stuff and the redneck's stubbornness. Fishermen have a lot in common and I tried to portray the pride and the difficulties that go along with being a captain.

3. Charlene (Charlie) Henderson was NOT based on me.
First of all, this chick had a lot more self control and was a lot more uptight. She is wound pretty close to the spool if you know what I mean. She doesn't say the "F" word the way it flies out of my mouth. And frankly, I wouldn't have been as willing to up and run as she was. But she was nineteen. You have to forgive a lot when someone is stupid and nineteen.

4. Pogie is based on a real person
and if he ever finds out about it, I'm dead. Eric is the redneck's best friend. He's a Norwegian with a hard head. But the man is smart about people. Pogie is based on him. The difference is that Pogie is a little bit more willing to stick his nose into other people's business. But no one can beat his big heart. He and Eric have that in common. Pogie's big bigheartedness comes into play in the sequel to "Heart of the Storm" called "Eye of the Storm"

5. Cal is based on Blake from "The Deadliest Catch"
I pictured him the whole time. I don't think I did Blake justice however. Read it and you decide.

6. Ken Stabler is based on Every Bureaucrat I've Ever Known
I wasn't gentle either. After dealing with the Disability office in California, I wasn't feeling kindly toward them.

7. The Celtic Rose is based on The Northwestern
I loved The Northwestern on "The Deadliest Catch". It's a beautiful boat.

8. The Russian Element Came Later
Being a panster, I wasn't sure how the whole suspense plot was going to pan out, but eventually, it became clear that a sequel was in the offering. Thus, the Russian element was born.

9. The Book Changed Three Times
as my critique partner's can attest to. I'm not sure they'll have the desire to buy the book. LOL. They gave that book tender loving care and it wouldn't have made it without Dayna and Crystal.

10. My Redneck Insisted On The Print Option
Because Whiskey Creek Press has a $95 print option fee, I was going to keep this story an ebook and wait a while longer for a print book with my name on it. My hubby would have none of that. He LOVES this book because he knows that I've given it all I've got, including stuff he told me. When I was going to sell it short, he pushed me a little further. Gotta love a spouse like that.

11. It's the First Book to kick off the "Men Of Alaska" Line at Torrid
No pressure though, eh?

12. The Word "Cidiot" was made up by The Redneck
And shows up in the book.

13. It'll be on sale September 1st at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
And the print option is there. You can pay with Paypal too. Of course, the ebook is available if you prefer that format (and price. LOL.)

Hope you enjoyed. This message was brought to you by the

posted at 7:51 AM by Jennifer ::

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