Jennifer McKenzie |
Romance--Boy meets girl. Romantic Suspense--Boy meets girl with dead bodies.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Whew! Stay At Home Day At Last.Yesterday was so fun! We went up to Shanty Creek, went to Burger King and then off to Redwood Acres for five hours of racing joy. The kids love this stuff. The local races here are a lot of fun and, since Joe was born and raised here, we know a lot of the racers out there. It's a blast. We got home at 11pm and crashed. For the first time in months, I woke up after 6am.Today is TALLEDEGA. For those who are unfamiliar with the NASCAR obsession, Talledega Motor Speedway is second only to Daytona (which is much more familiar). It's one of my favorite races. Dangerous, fast and wreck oriented, it's a fun race to watch. So, we'll be going to The Church Of NASCAR today. *Sigh*. Sometimes I think getting spiritual satisfaction from restrictor plate racing is a little weird, but then, normal is a setting on my washer not the way I live. I just finished a fabulous book I bought on our way up to Shanty Creek. (I love to read out there.) "Out Of The Mist" by JoAnn Ross is a fun romance and her characters are believeable and sexy. I really enjoyed this book. I picked it (over an Amanda Quick, which is odd for me) because it mentioned a period of history I just finished, when Robert the Bruce was coranated as King of Scotland. A brooch The Bruce wore at his coronation was ripped off his tartan by a relation of the murdered Red Comyn whom Robert killed. Over 700 years, the brooch was stolen by opposing decendents of The Bruce and the Comyn relations. The story is about the newest decendents, Lily Stewart and Ian MacKenzie (see why it appealed to me?). Miss Ross is a terrific writer and her location, a place called Highland Falls is Brigadoon with a touch of reality. I loved it. I recommend reading it. So visit Miss Ross at and check out her books. The best part? It's the first of a series. Yayyyyy! I didn't know that when I picked it up but I love this kind of series. I need to come up with my own rating system for my little personal review. Diva Laura has roses. Romance Divas has kisses. Maybe Dancing Hobbes? "I give this book five Dancing hobbes." LOL. Just kidding. It's not like I can figure out how to get that on my blog anyway. I just ordered (via an Amazon Gift Card I won on Thanks, Paula) "Forbidden Territory" by Paula Graves (of course) and another book by Tawny Taylor. I cannot wait. *Stand up* Hello my name is Jennifer, and I'm a bibliophile *sits down.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
You just have to laugh![]() Yesterday turned out to be.....interesting. We packed up the whole family (including the dog, Rowdy) and headed to Eureka (about 15 miles north) and got the damage on the truck estimated, the paycheck deposited (very important) and the groceries bought. Then we all went out to Pepper's for dinner. Fifteen minutes into dinner, Paul (the four year old) starts puking. Lovely. It was really pleasant. I just had to laugh about it later. After the week I've had, that just seemed to be typical. It didn't stress me though. At some point, this last few days, I've accepted that right now life is chaotic and crazy. I don't like it, but that's how it is. Fighting it only makes it worse. Today's plans are to go to Shanty Creek (see picture above) and then come home, eat dinner and head into Eureka for the Late Model races at Redwood Acres Racetrack. A typical redneck day. All I can do is go with the flow. Oh, one more thing. There are two contests I'd really like to enter. One with the Calgary RWA that has Jennifer Jackson (agent) reading the Romantic Suspense category. I'd love to enter that. Then there is another one called the Molly contest that has an editor from Harlequin reading RS entries. The one in Calgary is cheaper, but the Molly contest has a more targeted jugde. Also, I don't want to go contest nutty. I think I'm going to email Lisa and see if she thinks (with a little work) "Cold Murder" is a good enough entry. If it's too raw, I'll just wait. Not something I do well, waiting. Off to do some writing.
Friday, April 28, 2006
It's Official, I've improved!I recieved my comments back on the critique by Diva Lisa (aka Eden Bradley) and she gave me some great feedback. I really love it when someone else goes through my work and really digs deep. It helps me find the story that's really there. Stephen King talks about this in his book "On Writing". Like the block of marble Michealangelo worked on to create David, every story is hidden beneath the layers of grammatical errors, POV changes and dreaded passive voice. I know it's there. I'm still new enough to the writing game that digging the story out takes more than just me right now. I need my critique partner Rach and all the Divas.I've mentioned the generosity of writiers before. Being involved with other writers is one of the best things I've ever done in my life. The one thing that struck me from Lisa's critique is the improvement I've already attained. Comparing the comments from the judges at The Stroke Of Midnight Contest and her comments, I found that my POV changes are better (not perfect. Darn head hopping), my pace is infinitely better and I've improved on some of the little things that were burying my story. Now, I'm excited to get to work on my wip. I call it "Cold Murder" because I'm lousy with titles and needed to give it some kind of name. Funny thing is that I'm not sure where the story is going. I'm still unearthing it. I can see all the "plotters" cringing at this. I'm a total "panster" and I don't know the end until I get there. Even I get surprised by the twists! Lisa made my week. It's been a crazy one full of weird doctor diagnosis's, computer frustrations and fender bender issues. My whole life seems to be "What's going to happen next?". No wonder I want to write Romantic Suspense. Thank you Diva Lisa, for the bright spot of a very stressful week.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
You are not going to believe this.....If you've read my blog, you know I've had a lot going on. (Yes, Carrie I am trying to breath.) Yesterday was even more fun. Joe called me to tell me that someone driving a company truck smashed in the back of his truck. This turned into a marathon of insurance stuff and rental car fiasco. By the end of the day, I was ready to run away. I keep wondering when things will calm down. *Sigh*In all the chaos, I haven't even mentioned the comments I got back for The Stroke Of Midnight contest. Considering that this was an inappropriate entry (remember, I missed the word "Erotic" LOL) and it was really raw, the judges were kind. A lot of the comments were things I have corrected. Some of the comments were extremely helpful. One of the judges was a former journalist and had trouble with some of the details about my heroine (who is supposed to be a column writer.). I got valuable information from that judge. Most of the comments were encouraging. My characterization is good. My story has possibilities. Even some of my grammer issues weren't to serious. I think that "Hidden Grief" will be assigned to a drawer. I obtained invaluable experience and feedback that will make the next manuscript better. Of course, that's assuming that the agent I sent "Hidden Grief" doesn't request more. LOL.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Chaos EnsuesI got to take another eye test yesterday. YeeHaw, what fun. So, the verdict is.......(wait for it)......something called "Field Hysteria". This means I'm so stressed, I can't see. What? Me? Whatever. Anyway, it's not something really awful and I'm sooooo grateful for that. We've been trying to set up three (that's right three) computers up to high speed internet. I will save you from the bitchy rant about the cable company and say that it has so far been unsuccessful. But now that I have some router thing installed, my puter has crashed twice. Can I go back to bed now? Joe's job has gotten......complicated. I try not to think about his work. He's a crane operator and does a lot of dangerous stuff. Right now he's pile driving (pounding things into the ground. I love men) eight feet from power lines on a precipice of about two hundred feet. I just try not to think about it. It has added a little fun to an already nail biting, not seeing life. By the way, I not only read Tawny Taylor's "Stolen Goddess" novella yesterday, I read it twice and made Michelle read it. She is so amazing. Tawny made things that I wouldn't think of trying in a million years sound sexy and awesome. And it was hot! When you can buy it, get it (if you like Erotica). I'll be writing a review for Romance Diva's so you can check it out there soon. Meanwhile, you can check out her awesome website (if you haven't already) at My chapter critique for Diva Lisa is reviewed and sent. I tried to make sure I corrected my spelling and grammar before I emailed it to Lisa. I hope I succeeded. This is my new one, so we'll see if I'm improving or if I still need a lot of work. I think I've gotten a little better. I just hope she doesn't have to run out of red ink on this one.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Great Promotion IdeaTracy Montoya ( did a great promotion idea that I'm going to steal when I grow up to be a published author. I love it when authors have book give aways. It's an opportunity for me to read another author and the author gets to (possibly) collect another fan. I'm passing on the good idea to all newly published authors I know who may want to use this as a promotional tool. There was no quiz or contest. Just "The next three comments on my blog". I'm thinking that Shelli Stevens ( and Loribelle Hunt ( who have just been published with Cobblestone could use this idea. After all, I Shelli's book (Tourist Attraction) is an ebook (right Shelli?) and Lori's is too (Bound By Love). Ebooks don't involve shipping and handling. Give aways might be just the thing. How about Diva Laura (Rose Middleton "Tantilizer")? I bought her ebook and it was fabulous! I recieved Allison Brennen's "The Hunt" at a chat held at Romance Divas all because my birthday was nearest to hers. We both won. She promotes her book (it drove me out to buy "The Prey" and "The Kill" so I could have the trilogy) and I get a free book. The way I burn through them, I need them. So, Tracy, here's to you for being a smart author and allowing me to steal your idea. I can't wait to read her book. Here's another example of the generosity of writers. Oh, I signed up to review Tawny Taylor's new erotic book "Stolen Goddess". Tawny is an awesome writer with a great sense of humor. Check out her website I love plugging other authors. There's so much great stuff out there that matches every mood, every preference. It's just a matter of finding out where they are. You can't get much more ecletic in choices than the ones I've mentioned here. One of these could fit what you need. Check it out.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Decision Made And I'm BlindI made the decision to go ahead and send eleven pages of "Cold Murder" to Diva Lisa. I think I would benefit a lot more from her critique of this work than hashing it out with the old one. Yee Haw!! That's one thing off my mind. The next problem I'm dealing with is that I've had really bad headaches. Sometimes they've been so bad that I can't stand noise and light. With little kids, that's miserable. So, I figure it's my eyes. I got to the eye doctor for the usual torture. There's test that tests your field of vision. You stare at a little square in the center and little ripples occur off to the left and right, top and bottom. You have a little mouse you click when you see the ripple. Well, I couldn't see them. It led to more tests (to see if my nerves are messed up) and I went back in yesterday to take the square test again. I failed again. Now I go in Monday to take a more elaborate test. The concern I guess is brain tumor, glaucoma or other disease related blindness. Isn't that fabulous? Like this is something I need right now. It's probably nothing. I just don't like the stupid little ripple things, that's all. Diva Crystal beat me to Loribelle Hunt's "Bound By Love" for reviewing on the Divas. Someday, when she least expects it..............
Friday, April 21, 2006
Decisions, Decisions.I got to talk to Diva Lisa aka Eden Bradley ( who is really great. It is the weirdest feeling to be talking to someone who just had two publishing houses get into a bidding war for her work. That's right, she had publishers duking it out to get her. I'm sooooo not worthy. She's got a lot of deadlines so I don't want to be flaky and disorganized. She's given me a couple of days to decide whether I want to submit the sex scene in "Hidden Grief" or some of the new (but very raw) wip "Cold Murder". I went back this morning (at 4am, don't ask me why I was awake. I have no idea.) and reread some of "Hidden Grief". It just seemed so flat and uninteresting. Lisa mentioned that the problem with the first manuscript is that it's usually a combination of the new, untrained voice and the more polished, less ignorant voice which makes it a patchwork. She also said something amazing that will help with my POV issues in the sex scenes. She said when in doubt, put the scene in the POV of the person who has the most to lose, the most to gain or the most to change. (I hope I got that right.) That is a fabulous way to get to the heart of a scene. Don't hold back and let me know what you think. Go with the first manuscript sex scene, or give her the raw, unworked first chapter of "Cold Murder". Don't worry. There's no responsibility here. I'm just curious to know what you think.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I Won!! Now What?I am really nervous and I know it's silly. I won a chapter crit from Diva Lisa, one of the founding members of Romance Divas. Of course, I have a tendency toward hero worship anyway so I'm nervous. I don't stalk or anything. I even resist squealing, but I have a lot of respect for the published authors on Divas which turns me into a wide-eyed fan. I'm always surprised when someone I can find on Border's shelves is willing to talk to me. Pathetic, but true. Diva Lisa is going to call me and talk to me about what I'm sending her. So, I'm nervous. I can laugh at myself even as my brain is feverishly trying to decide what to send her. One of the things that has been wonderful about deciding to submit my work, is I have come in contact with generous and talented writers. People like Paula Graves (Forbidden Territory/Harlequin) and Allison Brennan (The Prey, The Hunt, The Kill) and Julie Miller (Search and Seizure/Harlequin). How about Shelli Stevens (Tourist Attraction) and Julie Cohen (Being A Bad Girl). All published writers who have given me personal encouragement and answered my myriad of questions. There are so many unpubbed writers slaving away who are also generous with information and encouragement. I had no idea when I began this journey that writers would be so giving and helpful. Back when I was about nineteen, I was a music major. Creative people all striving to be successful in a world where talent can go unnoticed for years. Sound familiar? Yet, in this creative endeavor, musicians were cutthroat, vicious and completely selfish. There was no sharing of information. If you got something, a leg up, a resource, you kept it to yourself. I hated that, being the kind of person I am. I quit and I don't regret it. What a joy to find that writers are so different. I didn't expect it and I'm grateful. I'm getting all wordy and philosophical so I'll quit for now.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Spring Has SprungFINALLY! We've had two days of beautiful sunshine. This has been a pretty wet winter here and it's nice to see the weather drying out a little. I love the rain and the winter weather, but I'm always glad when Spring begins to bloom. The Cherry trees are the first to bloom around here with pale pink blossoms that are knocked out by Spring showers and bloom again. Then the rain changes and becomes warmer. The nights aren't as cold and the days stay light longer. It makes a big difference for the kids too. They get to go outside, to the park, climb trees. I kicked them out yesterday. The memories of my childhood involved being out in the backyard for hours making up stories and chasing villians. I climbed trees and made my Barbie into a female Tarzan saving the incompetent Ken from the dangers of "outside". I watch my kids do some of the same things. Of course they also hit each other with sticks, but I can't have everything I guess. There are times I forget some of the things I did as a kid. Like the many times I was covered in mud from head to toe. I forgot that last week as I was cleaning the house for the guest coming for Easter when my two boys tracked into the house covered in mud and proceeded to trash my clean bathroom. Sometimes being an adult sucks. It's those times that I call my Mom and say, "I'm so sorry Mom." She just laughs and says the Mother's curse is working. You know, "I hope you have a child just like you." I have two. Whatever happens, though, I know my kids were the best thing that ever happened to me. When I think about what Michelle is going through with her eighteen year old, I'm grateful I had my boys. Justin has just been diagnosed with a chronic, severe disease. Between doctor appointments and biopsies and all kinds of other tortures, she's hanging on by a thread. Even knowing that this happened, she is so glad she had him. He's a kick in the pants and I love him. I wish this wasn't happening to him, but I can only be there for him. The question always is if I knew that my child would get sick and die young, would I still have had him? Answer--absolutely. The short time I've had with my boys would have been worth it. OK, that's totally depressing. Sorry. Mudpies, just think about mudpies and Tarzan Barbie.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Who are you and why are you calling me "Mamma".Yesterday was crazy. Dell and Paul are hopped up on candy and they're home all week. Alllll week. It's only Tuesday and I'm begging for mercy. My patience is gone. My sanity is in question. Well, my sanity has always been in question but that's beside the point. It's the chaos. When Joe's work is transitioning, and the money is sporadic, I tend to get a teensy weensy uptight. Thank God we've had a couple of days of sunshine so I can take the boys to the park and let them run around. Of course, Paul got a bloody nose and Dell kept throwing bark at other kids but at least they got out before I killed them. "Cold Murder" is progressing and I've knocked out 22 pages. I think the writing on this one is better than my first manuscript. I've reached the point where the story heads out to sea. My expertise dwindles and I'm relying on my hubby (an ex-fisherman) to help me out. I was reluctant to write about something out of my personal experience. Yet, so far, this is going well. Maybe I can find an Alaskan Diva who will correct my appalling mistakes. I like the story and I'm really getting into my characters. I notice I often focus on the relationship between the characters rather than the suspense that drives them. In "Hidden Grief", the relationship develops even though the heroine's father was just murdered. I think I miss the emotion that accompanies the suspense aspect of my writing. The question becomes--can two people fall in love when murder and mayhem surround them? There are writers who do this well. I think Patricia Wentworth does this very well. But is it really possible? It's the question of the day. Romantic Suspense--is it an oxymoron?
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Stroke Of Midnight Contest!How exciting! Diva Shelli is one of the finalists in The Stroke Of Midnight contest. I'll bet she's blogging about it so check her out. She's an awesome Diva with some fabulous writing. Her titles are envious. "She Love Me Not. She Loves Me Naughty", "Grounds For Arousal" are just a couple of the clever titles that she comes up with. Check out her updates and read her ebooks coming out through Cobblestone. Funny enough I also entered this contest. No, I didn't expect to final. This contest actually makes me blush (which I don't do much). In a fever of wanting feedback and running to contests to get it, I entered this contest completely missing the word "erotic". Now, I'm as "erotic" as the next girl, but the entry I gave them was just your average romantic suspense. Passionate Ink doesn't print your average romances. It's a little.....spicier. Which, if I was paying attention, I would have noticed. But no, I entered my only completed (and totally inappropriate) manuscript. Live and learn. Live and learn. Now the contests I enter are RWA chapter contests. Oh, and Romance Divas of course. I entered the "Show Me The Spark" contest. I'm thrilled for Shelli. That Chica works her butt off and as a mother of an active (and toilet paper obsessed) toddler, the fact that she can write the great stuff she writes is amazing. Here's to you Shelli. Happy Easter everyone. I'll blog about my adorable kids and the candy highs later.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
It's A Secret!Don't tell anyone, but my sex life has gotten better since I began to write romance. It makes sense. I have to create this tension between two people, then I get to write all that fun, juicy stuff and then I get to have a happy ending. It's all real satisfying to me. So, Joe gets the benefit of my writing in more ways than one. I'm only telling you this since it's early in the morning on a Saturday and I'm awake. Now you know why. Didn't want to know that much did you? My book is going really well. I just finished another two pages. I've got my characters at odds already. The story is that my heroine, Charlene, grew up with Crab fisherman. Her father was a fisherman and her brother was lost at sea. The hero, Ethan, is a childhood friend and a fisherman. Eight years before, Charlene and Ethan slept together. She begged him to quit fishing and he wouldn't. She left and went to L.A. When one of the deckhands that supposedly went down with her brother shows up in an Arizona jail, Charlene goes looking for the truth of what really happened to her brother. I've got her cooking for Ethan's crew. They've aired some of their resentments. There's no real secret to their feelings for each other. The conflict lies (as it so often does in real life) in whether they can find acceptance for each other. Can she accept that he's a fisherman and always will be? Can he accept that she hurt him because she was young and foolish. I'm starting to really care what happens to Charlene and Ethan. That's good. So now I wonder if I should change my website with a blurb about the new wip or keep "Hidden Grief" up there. Opinions welcome as always.
It's A Secret!Don't tell anyone, but my sex life has gotten better since I began to write romance. It makes sense. I have to create this tension between two people, then I get to write all that fun, juicy stuff and then I get to have a happy ending. It's all real satisfying to me. So, Joe gets the benefit of my writing in more ways than one. I'm only telling you this since it's early in the morning on a Saturday and I'm awake. Now you know why. Didn't want to know that much did you? My book is going really well. I just finished another two pages. I've got my characters at odds already. The story is that my heroine, Charlene, grew up with Crab fisherman. Her father was a fisherman and her brother was lost at sea. The hero, Ethan, is a childhood friend and a fisherman. Eight years before, Charlene and Ethan slept together. She begged him to quit fishing and he wouldn't. She left and went to L.A. When one of the deckhands that supposedly went down with her brother shows up in an Arizona jail, Charlene goes looking for the truth of what really happened to her brother. I've got her cooking for Ethan's crew. They've aired some of their resentments. There's no real secret to their feelings for each other. The conflict lies (as it so often does in real life) in whether they can find acceptance for each other. Can she accept that he's a fisherman and always will be? Can he accept that she hurt him because she was young and foolish. I'm starting to really care what happens to Charlene and Ethan. That's good. So now I wonder if I should change my website with a blurb about the new wip or keep "Hidden Grief" up there. Opinions welcome as always.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Yea!!! I Got to Write Something!!![]() Hobbes dance for me!!! I sent the kids to the park with Anthony and had an hour to bang out some pages. I got four written on "Cold Murder" (working title). I felt so much better. I've been feeling that "Maybe it's not really worth it" feeling which is deadly. I wouldn't say I've been uninspired. I've just been wondering if I even have an iota of talent. I will say this; the Divas were gentle with me on RD. The five page submissions I put out there for the contest there were pretty rough and needed a lot of work. They were kind. I had a good time the last couple of days reading the "Steamy" entries. There are some fabulous writers up and coming and they know how to turn a reader on. Yeah, Joe benefited from it too. I don't know if I'll get back to "Cold Murder" for a couple of days, but I'm starting to really like my characters and that will drive me back. They start living in my head and telling me to get back to work. I don't mind if that sounds crazy. It works for me.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Life Happens....and happens....and happens...Wow! Just when I think it's all settling down, something changes. It looked like Joe was going to be home for another year or so. That just changed again. Now, he is going to San Francisco May 1st and Cloverdale (by Santa Rosa) after that. It's just plain crazy. It also looks like no paycheck for two weeks. Ouch!!!! Sure wish that writing was paying off. Easter is this weekend and I'm trying to get everything ready for the familial invasion that accompanies every holiday. I don't mind it. In fact, I love it. It's the only way I get my darn house cleaned. It's just falling in at the same time Michelle is moving in (with her son), Joe is going on the road and Dell is on the verge of "maybe" going on to first grade. It's that insanity that has kept me from the writing. Waa Waa. I know. Get to work. I hope everyone found the new blog.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
What a Week!!!I have had some computer issues. I know, you're surprised aren't you? So I have a new blog, but I haven't figured it out yet. There's not a place to leave comments, and it's a lot more complicated than I thought. I can't figure out how to do a lot of things with this blog. Top it off, we've all been sick and I'm having a ton of people over for Easter. Yee Haw.Hence the silence on this end. With the html ignorant, always a little patience. *Sigh*. I'm off to Romance Divas to see how things are there. Kind of boring, eh? Oh well. At least I've broken my silence.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
What a way to startWell, everyone here is sick. Both my sons and I and Joe are all toting around the Humboldt crud and so Dell is going to be home from school and I'm going to have to take it easy. Not real interesting for a blog is it? My book is stuck a bit. I haven't been able to write anything yet that I haven't deleted immediately. That's just part of the process. Meanwhile, I have 10 people coming for Easter dinner on Saturday and a really thrashed house. Michelle is moving here in two weeks and I have to get her room cleared out. The pressure is on. Ah life. It's so mundane. It's why Romance is so fun to write. I can write a fantasy, an escape for those of us doing loads of laundry or data entry. I can give a little humor to someone who is raising humorless teenagers. That's the job I want.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Well here's the new blog. I'm going to try and figure out how to make it all the way I really want it. Hopefully, I can get it figured out. In about three weeks I'll have a new email address and this new blog. Hope this works out.
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